When I think of Jesus on the cross speaking to his Father saying, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” I hear one who speaks as a visitor whose home is another place.
Treasure for Earthen Vessels
Hearing God's Voice
Today if you will hear his voice…writes the author of Hebrews and in doing so scripture teaches us the perennial reality of God’s voice, ever speaking, longing, for those with ears to hear. God spoke and creation burst forth into existence. The sheer wonder of creation, of life, particularly of human life, should strike a reasoning soul with awe.
The Untested Heart
Seated in Heavenly Places
Fully Clothed while Fully Naked
Poetry is the Language of God
Creators of Reality
What do you do on a dark rainy day? I normally fall deep into contemplation on scripture and theological thought. This morning I was thinking about how being created in the likeness of God is our participation in the creation of reality. I was connecting this with God's self-revelation in Exodus 34.
Resisting Racism in the Beloved Community
God's Wild Children
A Word Above Every Word
Dangerous Memorials
Racism and Character
Honor and Shame in Filipino Culture
There is an admirable practice in Filipino culture that requires protecting anyone subjected to shame whether in a private or public setting. The Filipino cultural instinct is to immediately speak positively about a person subjected to a shaming comment (even if they have to stretch the truth).To shame another is offensive but to use a harmless prevarication to protect them is honorable. The U.S. needs this value to become engrained in their cultural life.