Remembering the Poor of Lapu Lapu
—During our six years living on Mactan Island and in Cebu we visited the People who live at the Lapu Lapu dumpsite. They are always in our prayers.—
We truly enjoy bringing meals, clothes, slippers, and assorted toiletries to the Dear people who live outside the Lapu Lapu dumpsite. They scavenge through the refuse of their society to find some items of value in order to live.
Remembering the poor is more of a sacred act than a sacramental ceremony performed for the seated. It is to fulfill the promises of God for lifting up the poor and oppressed.
Abbey’s sister Ging, her niece Jades, and nephew Jed, joined us to serve the poor on this day; they are next to Abbey on the left side of the photo.
Abbey and I provide meals and clothing for the people who live outside the Lapu Lapu dumpsite as often as we are able. We are happy to have young people, employed at the island’s many resorts, who are always ready to help us when we bring provisions for the people at the dumpsite.
Seventy percent of the children in these photos are unable to attend school. The children help their parent(s) sort through the refuse for some item of value that can be recycled. They also carry intestinal parasites and suffer hunger often. Many of the children have only their mother to care for their needs because the father is absent. We like to put smiles on their faces because they cry often. We can never help them enough. The government tries to provide numerous helps to the people and has improved the conditions for recycling, and built homes nearby. However, people continue to arrive here looking for work and fall into poverty.
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“...remember that there is no conversion to God if there is no conversion to the oppressed.” - Igancio Ellacuria
“To ignore the poor is to loose contempt upon both God and his suffering people.” — Phillip Michael Garner
Our photos tend to brighten the world and display a lot of happiness. While the people here, like all of us, display moments of joy amid hardship, their lack and suffering is heart wrenching. We have a few videos that provide a closer look into their lives that are tucked away on trails lined with tiny hovels for homes. Videos
You do not have to drop your eyelid over your eye to close your eyes or to experience blindness, you need only to think of yourself.