Brief Quotes for Contemplation and Practice
“To dream with God is to capture a vision for humanity, a vision that enters the present and changes the world.”
““....neither shall they learn war anymore, “ is not merely prophetic hope, it is an imperative for Christian practice. ”
“Love doesn’t come without a promise.”
“The world doesn’t work without forgiveness.”
“Human beings are created to serve one another. We are not fit to rule over one another.”
“Faith is Love’s conduit flowing back and forth between God and us. ”
“Grace is Love’s first emotion.”
“Love is Hope’s conscience.”
“If you want to find God in the world or in scripture, look for mercy.”
“A moral conscience and curious mind make for a healthy soul.”
“Our mortality insists that life is real.”
“Wisdom is the ability to discern the voice of God in the world.”
“The relation of theology to the poor and oppressed is as inseparable as the commandments to love God and your neighbor as yourself.”
“Hope for the present is as important as hope for the resurrection. ”
“Our first experience hearing the voice of God is our moral conscience.”
“Our moral conscience is God speaking to us. ”
“Shame is our sense of guilt for violating God’s moral structures of reality.”
“The demonic fears what is good, is irrational, abuses religious symbols, and attempts to remove the impact of shame. ”
“Attempts to redefine humanity to be other than God’s intent for us is demonic.”
“The word and the spirit keep us from lying to ourselves about ourselves. ”