PDF Essays by Phillip Michael Garner

The essays on this page offer insightful readings of the biblical text and beneficial exegetical studies.

A Translation and Exploration of Job19:21-29

PDF Download Link / 29 pages / Copyright page / Table of Contents / Bibliography

The translation is of Job 19: 23-27 and is supported with extensive footnotes. The use of the idiomatic expression (translated literally) ‘Who will give’ is explored in detail. The entire passage is viewed as Job’s deepest conviction, a revelation of Job’s soul laid bare through the extreme testing of his life.

An Exegetical Exploration of Proverbs 8 (Lady Wisdom)

PDF Download Link / 5 pages / plus a cover page and copyright page. This is an exegetical study of Proverbs 8 with theological and philosophical claims on the text. It contains a philosophical argument, exegetical arguments, and theological implications for understanding lady wisdom.

The Aqedah

Theology and a Chiasm

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This essay offers multiple theological lessons within this well crafted piece that has tested the greatest hearts and minds of history. The entire piece forms a chiasm and displays in its center piece the unwavering faith of Abraham to obey the voice of God. Abraham grew to know the voice of God so well that he would have followed through on God’s inexplicable request to sacrifice the child of promise, were it not for God calling his name twice and stopping him.

Qohelet’s Story (Ecclesiastes)

The Keeper of Riches

PDF Download Link / 5 pages plus cover and copyright page.. This is an exegetical study of Ecclesiastes 5:13 - 6:6. The study proposes that these stories reflect Qohelet’s life. The identity of Qohelet remains an unknown yet his personality is discernible in the content of his book.

Psalm 110

Oracles of Antiquity

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This essay presents verses 1 and 4 as oracles that prompted the writing of the Psalm. Because this is a royal psalm and the scripture’s teaching that God will be King, there is a brief excursus on the words nagid and melek as used in the anointing of Saul and David. The essay ends with a canonical and poetic reading of Psalm 110.

The Birth of Levitical Religion

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This essay is a brief study on the defining moment when Levitical Religion was born. It includes some instruction on the most emotive Hebrew idiom in scripture. God’s first desire was that Israel hear God’s voice. Instead of listening they received rules, rules and more rules.

The Wise the Mighty and the Noble

God’s Kingdom Reversal

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This essay is on 1st Corinthians 1:18 - 2:5. It focuses on the life setting of the Corinthian experience and proposes that salvation includes God’s blessing to lift the poor and oppressed into a more flourishing life that builds education, influence, and reputation into their experience as believers.

An Ontological Hymn

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The Philippian Hymn is among those passages of scripture that belong to the canon within the canon. The theological depth of its poetic lines offer insight into the incarnation, the life of Jesus, and connects with other golden passages of scripture.

The Language of God

PDF Download Link / Cover page / Copyright / 7 pages

Freedom is poetic for it dances to the rhythm of life with an ear for justice, a heart for truth, and an indomitable will. Freedom is the search for meaning, it is at the center of human experience, it is our inwardness where we are alone in a world of billions of people. The search for meaning requires a little playfulness, a touch of skin, an embrace of our creatureliness, so that in humility, we might learn how love changes everything, how without forgiveness the world doesn’t work, how redemption is the heartbeat of God that rushes past our control of language. Language is living, always in color, and belongs to spirit, to movement, not concreteness; but meaning touches the soul with conviction and has only one tongue.


Psalm 133

Translation and Comments

PDF Download / Copyright by Mike Garner / 3 pages

I’ve always liked my reading of Psalm 133. I wrote this many years ago while teaching and traveling. Enjoy!