I took the banner photo in Macau China at one of the many libraries filled with books from the Jesuits who first came to Macau.
Sunday Morning Meditations
These brief pieces are written for contemplation. They are my personal early morning thoughts for meditating upon. Meditating upon scripture, thinking theologically, and seeking to understand reality is an important exercise for truth seeking persons.
When I think of Jesus on the cross speaking to his Father saying, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” I hear one who speaks as a visitor whose home is another place.
Not everyone has an ear to hear, a heart to receive, a mind prepared with wonder, a life of expansive experiences.
Today if you will hear his voice…writes the author of Hebrews and in doing so scripture teaches us the perennial reality of God’s voice, ever speaking, longing, for those with ears to hear. God spoke and creation burst forth into existence. The sheer wonder of creation, of life, particularly of human life, should strike a reasoning soul with awe.
The world doesn’t work without forgiveness and spiritual growth requires the creation of a new self through self transcendence.
The conflicting imagery of Ephesians 6 is meant to impact us with the great disparity between a Roman Soldier and the Lord Jesus Christ so that we might open our eyes to the ways of peace, to tikkun olam (healing the world).
Israel’s writing prophets were all poets. The parallel lines of poetic speech permeate the writings of the prophets.
What do you do on a dark rainy day? I normally fall deep into contemplation on scripture and theological thought. This morning I was thinking about how being created in the likeness of God is our participation in the creation of reality. I was connecting this with God's self-revelation in Exodus 34.
Supporting racism is incompatible with Christian faith, it is to position oneself in opposition to the grace we all share. Prophetic denunciation is a spiritual activity that is feared by most persons.
The keepers of mediocrity attempt to tame God’s wild children. You can be wild and moral, wild and draw close to the Holy One. To all of God’s wild children I say you are the essential personality in a world of mediocrity.