The banner photo is of my wife and I at one of our favorite beaches on Mactan Island in the Philippines.
Welcome to my Website
I am a poet, a storyteller, a theologian and a follower of Jesus. It is my conviction that Christianity lived and taught well, will change the world in ways that lead away from war and toward peace, away from greed and toward flourishing for all peoples, away from ignorance and toward wisdom.
This website is an effort to share my thoughts, writings, and life journey as a follower of Jesus, in hope that my writings, stories, and poetry might be a blessing to others. It is also a platform for marketing my books.
The main menu includes a Blogs link with six distinct titles, each one containing numerous essays ready for your reading. Please enjoy reading the assorted writings I share on this site. I hope you are blessed by my writings and inspired to draw closer to Christ Jesus the Lord.
Dr. Mike Garner
I believe these books i’ve written can assist you in the transformation of your life as you pursue Christ. They are challenging, diverse in style, and offer interpretive readings, devotional readings, poetry, and nonviolent theology. My readings of scripture are born out of an intense desire to follow in the subversive practices of Jesus’ teaching while maintaining extensive hermeneutical practices. I approach scripture with the understanding that if we are to find God in the text we must look for mercy.
The first row of books below are published by Wipf & Stock you can visit my Wipf Author page to purchase directly from the publisher. You can purchase via my Amazon author page. Each book picture below links to reviews written by friends and colleagues.
These two books published by KDP make excellent coffee table offerings for the richness and brevity of their content.
Learning to Bleed Words is 111 pages of poems under assorted headings.
Provocative Theopoetics is a collection of 132 theologically inspirational sayings in 77 pages.
Spiritual Growth Workbooks Series
This three volume series provides the inquisitive learner with a journey through scripture that is an adventure in pursuit of Spiritual Intelligence and Practice. The work books are 8.5” X 11”, containing thirty lessons, one per day, each is followed by a response section with questions and spaced lines for you to fill in. If you’re a group leader using one of the workbooks I am happy to help you with any thoughts or questions simply connect with me through my contact page.
Volumes I, II, and III are ready for purchase
The Lord taught his disciples to pray with a model prayer. The prayer affirms the oneness of humanity under the love of God our Father. The prayer teaches us that God’s reality is apart from the daily experience of humanity.