My Invisible Friends
The Invisible
I walk with the invisible
I see them everywhere
Unnamed, unknown, forgotten
He sat smiling through his toothless grin
His small son, fragile - like life is
All around people feasted
I bought my meal but gave it to him
An elderly mom, bent with years walked by,
I bought my meal but I gave it to her
The feasting continued no one saw
No one saw the hungry and no one saw me
I walk with the invisible
I see them everywhere
Unnamed, Unknown, forgotten
After a meal the rich gathered their leftovers for the poor
A Styrofoam lunch
They jumped in their vehicle to leave
My invisible friends stood on each side with dismay and a smile
I grabbed the Styrofoam lunch to feed my invisible friends
I wept over the calloused blindness of power
I thought, “The rich are blind”
Did they not see God, standing, weeping, alongside the poor?
Is Jesus invisible too?
People are not invisible
Eyes are blind
Cataracts of callousness kill the soul
Fear of getting too close to the aesthetically abhorrent
Blind and Unaware of Reality
They build a chasm of difference
They cannot see through the eyes of others
They cannot see through their own eyes
They cannot see the invisible God or his people