Mike Garner Poet Storyteller Theologian

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The Evangelical Divorce

The evangelical divorces history (reality) from the meaning of the cross to make dogmatic assertions that have proven ineffective for the gospel as good news for the poor.

Salvation must permeate reality for us to be living under the reign of God. Devastatingly we live under the reign of master mammon, of the god of war, and are lost in the blindness of our religious certainty based upon a silent conviction of cultural superiority.

From a chasm of indifference our religion bathes in the wealth of hades fire and it consumes the truth of scripture. Across the planet, Lazarus is laid at the gate of reality and bears testimony to our failure to act salvifically.

Our wealth knows no bounds, our godlike powers of destruction terrorize the world, we have lost our humanity.

We must repent and recover the gospel from mass evangelism, from therapeutic religious teaching void of the gospel, from celebrity. We must return to being a people who value all of humanity, we must be citizens of heaven over nationalism’s grip on our senses.